Journal name,Publisher,ISSN,Year,Volume,Number,StartPage,EndPage,Authors,Title,DOI,IsFrontMatter,IsReview,ReviewedTitle,ReviewedAuthors,URL,Abstract,Keywords Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2024,11,2,3,,Morgan[comma]Jamie;,On CBDC and the Need for Public Debate: Policy and the Concept of Process,,0,0,0,0,,According to the Principle of Techno-Geek Proportionality[comma] for every million times a nerd gets excited about “the latest thing” the world might change once. Central bank digital currency (CBDC) may be that once. There is nothing new about digital money[comma] ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2024,11,2,25,,Zouboulakis[comma]Michel;,On Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism? An interview with Yanis Varoufakis by Michel Zouboulakis,,0,0,0,0,,Yanis Varoufakis is an economist and politician. After serving as Greek Finance Minister in 2015[comma] he went on to co-found the Democracy in Europe Movement 2025[comma] of which he is now Secretary- General. The author of many books and academic ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2024,11,2,31,,Lambert[comma]Thomas E.;,Bankers as Immoral? Some Parallels and Differences between Aquinas's Views on Usury and Marxian Views of Banking and Credit,,0,0,0,0,,Since ancient times the practices and ethics of bankers and banking in general have undergone a great deal of criticism. While lending is motivated by profit[comma] and while households are not explicitly coerced into borrowing money[comma] the justice of a ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2024,11,2,45,,Stinespring[comma]John R.;,Re-Thinking Fast and Slow,,0,0,0,0,,Daniel Kahneman's book Thinking[comma] Fast and Slow (2011) has had a worldwide impact. The book's insights are profound and have changed the thinking of both decision scientists and general audiences about how choices are made. Kahneman[comma] however[comma] claims that standard ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2023,11,1,3,,Cartelier[comma]Jean;,About the “Dual Character of Labour”: a Reformulation of Marx's Commodity Theory,,0,0,0,0,,In a letter to Engels (24 August 1867)[comma] Marx says that the best of his book (Capital) are (i) the “dual character of the labour embodied in commodities” and (ii) the surplus value theory. Marx's vindication of first point is ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2023,11,1,15,,Hermann[comma]Arturo;,The Interpretation of Ownership: Insights from Original Institutional Economics[comma] Pragmatist Social Psychology and Psychoanalysis,,0,0,0,0,,In this work we analyse the main interpretations of ownership in Original Institutional Economics (OIE) and their links with pragmatist psychology and psychoanalysis. We consider Thorstein Veblen's notion of ownership as a relation of possession of persons[comma] and John R.Commons's ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2023,11,1,37,,Mekvabishvili[comma]Rati;,On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research,,0,0,0,0,,The article discusses the concepts of altruism and prosocial behavior and their importance in interdisciplinary studies of behavioral economics. The basic theoretical models and concepts of altruism in Behavioral Economics are reviewed. Altruism is shown to be a hidden and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2023,11,1,54,,Earl[comma]Peter;,Reply to Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research',,0,0,0,0,,Read Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research' here, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2023,11,1,58,,Foster[comma]Gigi;,Reply to Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research',,0,0,0,0,,Read Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research' here, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2023,11,1,66,,Almeida[comma]Rafael Galvão de;,Limits to economics[comma] religion and (maybe) everything else: Reply to Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research',,0,0,0,0,,Read Rati Mekvabishvili's 'On the Importance of Altruism[comma] Prosocial Behavior and Christian Love in Behavioral Economics research' here, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2022,10,2,1,,Davis[comma]John B.;,A methodological perspective on economic modelling and the global pandemic,,0,0,0,0,,A question that recent research on the global pandemic raises is: how do the assumptions underlying epidemiological models and economic models differ? Epidemiological models we now know have become quite sophisticated (see Avery et al.[comma] 2020). Debate among economic methodologists ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2022,10,2,9,,Dow[comma]Sheila C;,Comment on John Davis's 'A methodological perspective on economic modelling and the global pandemic',,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2022,10,2,12,,Heise[comma]Arne;,The Incommensurability of Keynes's and Walrasian Economics and the Unsuccessful Escape from Old Ideas*,,0,0,0,0,,The Cambridge Journal of Economics witnessed an important debate between Mark Pernecky and Paul Wojick on the one side and Rod Thomas on the other about the usefulness of Thomas Kuhn's sociology and philosophy of science in explaining why Keynes's ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2022,10,2,20,,Thomas[comma]Rod;,Reply to Arne Heise's 'The incommensurability of Keynes's and Walrasian economics and the unsuccessful escape from old ideas',,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2022,10,2,28,,Almeida[comma]Rafael Galvão de;,From 'What New Political Economy Is' to 'Why Is Everything New Political Economy?',,0,0,0,0,,In this paper[comma] I aim to discuss New Political Economy as a label for the economic analysis of politics[comma] in the English language. The term 'political economy' itself[comma] although it has ceased to be the preferred term by which economists ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2022,10,2,47,,Wallace[comma]Ron;,Agents[comma] Equations[comma] and Economics,,0,0,0,0,,Critiques of Neoclassical Economics extend[comma] unsurprisingly[comma] to its mathematical structure. The discussion has largely focused on General Equilibrium Theory (GET)[comma] a formalism developed by Léon Walras over a century ago. Internally consistent[comma] but highly unrealistic[comma] GET lacks predictive power[comma] and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2021,10,1,1,,Söderbaum[comma]Peter;,The Challenge of Sustainable Development: From Technocracy to Democracy-Oriented Political Economics,,0,0,0,0,,Mainstream neoclassical economics[comma] as well as heterodox schools[comma] should be regarded as different kinds of 'political economics'. There is no value-free economics. We therefore need to bring democracy into economics. The present challenge of sustainable development suggests that a new ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2021,10,1,14,,Morgan[comma]Jamie;,Learning to Treat Our Natural World Realistically Through Unlearning Mainstream Economics? A Commentary on the Recent Work of Peter Söderbaum,,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2021,10,1,32,,Verne[comma]Jean-François;,Relevance of Chaos and Strange Attractors in the Samuelson-Hicks Oscillator,,0,0,0,0,,In this paper[comma] we look for the relevance of chaos in the well-known Hicks-Samuelson's oscillator model investigating the endogenous fluctuations of the national income between two limits: full employment income and under-employment income. We compute the Lyapunov exponent[comma] via Monte- ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2021,10,1,46,,Silva[comma]João Pinheiro da;,Popperian Hayek or Hayekian Popper?,,0,0,0,0,,Friedrich Hayek was a fervent advocate of the methodological specificity of the social sciences. However[comma] given his contact with Karl Popper[comma] several historians and philosophers have characterised his final position as Popperian[comma] that is[comma] a position that would have accepted ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2021,10,1,61,,Notturno[comma]Mark Amadeus;,Discussion Article: Comments on João Pinheiro da Silva's paper: 'Popperian Hayek or Hayekian Popper?',,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,2,1,,Andere[comma]Jorge L.;Canché-Escamilla[comma]Jorge Luis;Cano-Escalante[comma]Álvaro;,Consensus and Dissension among Economic Science Academics in Mexico,,0,0,0,0,,We report general and consensus results of a survey administered to a defined population of economic science academics in Mexico. Our results include insights on economic opinions[comma] scientific aspects of economics[comma] scientific activities[comma] countries' economic performances and methodological orientation. Our ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,2,24,,Tomer[comma]John F.;,Economics' Wisdom Deficit and How to Reduce It,,0,0,0,0,,As is well understood[comma] the values inherent in the dominant neoclassical economic paradigm are self- interest and optimisation. These are the values that guide individuals and policymakers in advanced capitalist economies in their economic decision making. As a consequence[comma] the ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,2,38,,Ruiz[comma]Oswin Krüger;,The Self According to Others: Explaining Social Preferences with Social Approbation,,0,0,0,0,,In past decades[comma] significant work in behavioural economics has decisively revealed the limitations of the human agency model known as Homo Economicus[comma] whereby humans are purely driven by material self-interest. These behavioural findings are[comma] however[comma] far from integrated in mainstream ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,2,55,,Belabes[comma]Abderrazak;,What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?,,0,0,0,0,,Listening[comma] seeing and reading Gilles Deleuze has had an influence on my thinking more than most of the economic writings I have consulted over the past quarter of a century. This discovery and furtherance of knowledge enriched my reflection and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,2,68,,Rowe[comma]James E.;,Comment on Abderrazak Belabes' 'What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?',,0,0,0,0,,Read 'What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?', Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,2,71,,Pfeifer[comma]Geoffrey;,Deleuze among the Economists: A Short Commentary on Abderrazak Belabes' 'What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?',,0,0,0,0,,Read 'What can Economists Learn from Deleuze?', Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,1,1,,Becchio[comma]Giandomenica;,The Two Blades of Occam's Razor in Economics: Logical and Heuristic,,0,0,0,0,,This paper is part of the general debate about the need to rethink economics as a human discipline using a heuristic to describe its object[comma] about the need to explicitly reject the positivistic approach in neoclassical economics[comma] and about the ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,1,18,,Cserne[comma]Péter;,Wine and bottles. Some remarks on “The Two Blades of Occam's Razor in Economics: Logical and Heuristic” by Giandomenica Becchio,,0,0,0,0,,Read Giandomenica Becchio’s original paper “The Two Blades of Occam's Razor in Economics: Logical and Heuristic”, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,1,24,,Gillies[comma]Donald;,The Empirical Success of Keynesianism,,0,0,0,0,,The main thesis of this paper is that the empirical success of Keynesianism shows it to be scientific. Keynesianism here refers not to a specific theory[comma] but to a paradigm. It is argued that Kuhn's notion of paradigm can be ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,1,44,,Almeida[comma]Rafael Galvão de;,Comment on 'The Empirical Success of Keynesianism' by Donald Gillies,,0,0,0,0,,Read Donald Gillies’ original paper “The Empirical Success of Keynesianism”, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,1,48,,Hermann[comma]Arturo;,The Psychological Contributions of Pragmatism and of Original Institutional Economics and their Implications for Policy Action,,0,0,0,0,,The aim of this work is to illustrate the psychological contributions of Pragmatism and of the Original Institutional Economics (also referred to as OIE or institutionalism)[comma] and their relevance for improving the process of social valuing and[comma] as a consequence[comma] ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2020,9,1,72,,Missos[comma]Vlassis;,Mathematical Analysis as a Source of Mainstream Economic Ideology,,0,0,0,0,,The paper contends that neoclassical ideology stems[comma] to a great extent[comma] from mathematical analysis. It is suggested that mainstream economic thought can be comprehensively revisited if both histories of mathematical and economic thought are to be taken collaboratively into account. ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,,1,,Kasputis[comma]Juozas;,Hierarchical Inconsistencies: A Critical Assessment of Justification,,0,0,0,0,,The existential insecurity of human beings has induced them to create protective spheres of symbols: myths[comma] religions[comma] values[comma] belief systems[comma] theories[comma] etc. Rationality is one of the key factors contributing to the construction of civilisation in technical and symbolic terms. ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,,13,,Katselidis[comma]Ioannis A.;,Institutions[comma] Policy and the Labour Market: The Contribution of the Old Institutional Economics,,0,0,0,0,,This paper seeks to examine the relationship and the interaction between institutions[comma] policy and the labour market in the light of the ideas of the first generation of institutional economists[comma] who[comma] in contrast to neoclassicals[comma] conceived of the economy as ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,,31,,Planck[comma]Richard Everett;,Orthogonal Time in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space: Being an Engineer's Attempt to Reveal the Copernican Criticality of Alfred Marshall's Historically-ignored 'Cardboard Model',,0,0,0,0,,This paper begins by asking a simple question: can a farmer own and fully utilise precisely five tractors and precisely six tractors at the same time? Of course not. He can own five or he can own six but he ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,,46,,Ramirez[comma]Miguel D.;,Credit[comma] Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy,,0,0,0,0,,This paper contends that Marx develops in Volume III of Capital an incisive conceptual framework in which excessive credit creation[comma] indebtedness and speculation play a critical and growing role in the reproduction of social capital on an extended basis; however[comma] ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,,63,,Mavroudeas[comma]Stavros;,Comment on Miguel Ramirez's paper[comma] 'Credit[comma] Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy',,0,0,0,0,,Read Miguell Ramirez’s original paper Credit[comma] Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,,70,,Ramirez[comma]Miguel D.;,Response to Stavros Mavroudeas,,0,0,0,0,,Read Miguell Ramirez’s original paper Credit[comma] Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy Read Stavros Mavroudeas’ comment on Miguel Ramirez’ paper Comment on Miguel Ramirez's paper[comma] 'Credit[comma] Indebtedness and Speculation in Marx's Political Economy', Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,1,1,,Chester[comma]Lynne;,Judging Heterodox Economics: A Response to Hodgson's Criticisms,,0,0,0,0,,The renowned institutionalist Geoffrey Hodgson has claimed inter alia that heterodox economics has failed to define its nature and scope[comma] does not take pluralism seriously[comma] and lacks expertise concentration to ensure quality which means it has made limited progress and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,1,22,,Hodgson[comma]Geoffrey M;,The Meaning and Future of Heterodox Economics: A Response to Lynne Chester,,0,0,0,0,,I have been writing and publishing in economics for 50 years and much of my work has been debated and criticised. But I think that this is the first time that someone has honoured me by a full-scale article criticising ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,1,30,,Quinn[comma]Kevin;,Was Smith A Moral Subjectivist?,,0,0,0,0,,This paper challenges the commonly held view that Smith’s moral theory is a subjectivist theory. Smith’s test for goodness and rightness – for propriety – is not the approbation of an impartial spectator[comma] but the warranted approbation of such a ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,1,40,,Wallace[comma]Ron;,Addressing the Malaise in Neoclassical Economics: A Call for Partial Models,,0,0,0,0,,Economics is currently experiencing a climate of uncertainty regarding the soundness of its theoretical framework and even its status as a science. Much of the criticism is within the discipline[comma] and emphasises the alleged failure of the neoclassical viewpoint. This ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2019,8,1,53,,Orrell[comma]David;,Commentary on 'Addressing the Malaise in Neoclassical Economics: A Call for Partial Models',,0,0,0,0,,The article by Ron Wallace 'proposes the deployment of partial modelling[comma] utilising Boolean networks (BNs)[comma] as an inductive discovery procedure for the development of economic theory'. The central argument in favour of partial models is well-made[comma] and while I agree ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,2,1,,Fischer[comma]Dirk-Hinnerk;Yeritsyan[comma]Hovhannes;,A Common Misunderstanding about Capitalism and Communism Through the Eyes of Innovation,,0,0,0,0,,This paper argues that theories of communism and capitalism should not be considered as opposites or alternatives[comma] but rather systems that satisfy different stages of humanity's technological development. The argument derives from Maslow's hierarchy of needs[comma] and a focus on ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,2,15,,Holland[comma]Stuart;Black[comma]Andrew;,Cherchez la Firme: Redressing the Missing – Meso – Middle in Mainstream Economics,,0,0,0,0,,Aristotle warned against a 'missing middle' in logic (Gk Mesos – middle; intermediate). This paper submits that one of the reasons why there has been no major breakthrough in macroeconomics since the financial crisis of 2007-08 has been a missing ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,2,54,,Müller-Kademann[comma]Christian;,The Lucas Critique: A Lucas Critique,,0,0,0,0,,The Lucas critique has been – and continues to be – the cornerstone of modern macroeconomic modelling. In this note we apply the Lucas critique to macroeconomic modelling using deep rational expectations. In conclusion[comma] we point out that Lucas's critique ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,2,63,,Orrell[comma]David;,Quantum Economics,,0,0,0,0,,A decade after the financial crisis[comma] there is a growing consensus that the neoclassical approach to economics has failed[comma] and that new approaches are needed. This paper argues that economics has been trying to solve the wrong problem. Economics sees ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,2,82,,Scheuer[comma]Timon;,Computational Agents[comma] Design and Innovative Behaviour: Hetero Economicus,,0,0,0,0,,For too long[comma] a majority of economic stories speak of perfectly informed[comma] fully rational optimisation within a purely materialistic world – leaving a lack of evidence and explanation regarding human decision makers and entrepreneurs revolutionising the decision space. Strands like ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,1,1,,Thieme[comma]Sebastian;,Spiethoff's Economic Styles: a Pluralistic Approach?,,0,0,0,0,,The main scope of this article is to introduce Spiethoff's economic styles approach to economists outside the German-speaking scientific community. It also provides a contemporary (new) reading and interpretation of this approach[comma] especially regarding the methodology Spiethoff used in his ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,1,24,,Mabsout[comma]Ramzi;,The Backward Induction Controversy as a Metaphorical Problem,,0,0,0,0,,The backward induction controversy in game theory flared up and then practically ended within a decade – the 1990s. The protagonists[comma] however[comma] did not converge on an agreement about the source of the controversy. Why was this the case[comma] if ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,1,50,,Linotte[comma]Daniel;,Reassessing Marshall's Producers' Surplus: a Case for Protectionism,,0,0,0,0,,The rationale for liberal economic policies refers inter alia to the so-called producer and consumer surpluses[comma] namely welfare concepts which were proposed by Alfred Marshall in his seminal work Principles of Economics[comma] first published in 1890. In the case of ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,1,63,,Hermann[comma]Arturo;,The Decline of the 'Original Institutional Economics' in the Post-World War II Period and the Perspectives of Today,,0,0,0,0,,Original[comma] or 'old'[comma] institutional economics (OIE) – also known as 'institutionalism' – played a key role in its early stages; it could be said that it was once the 'mainstream economics' of the time. This period ran approximately from the ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2018,7,1,87,,Mayhew[comma]Anne;,Comments on Arturo Hermann's paper[comma] 'The Decline of the “Original Institutional Economics”',,0,0,0,0,,Read Arturo Hermann's paper[comma] ‘The Decline of the “Original Institutional Economics” in the Post-World War II Period and the Perspectives of Today’, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,2,1,,Murphy[comma]Eithne;,Cournot's Trade Theory and its Neoclassical Appropriation: Lessons to be Learnt about the Use and Abuse of Models,,0,0,0,0,,This paper seeks to rehabilitate the trade theory of Augustin Cournot. In contrast to the widespread awareness among neoclassical economists of Cournot's contribution to microeconomics[comma] there is general ignorance of his trade theory[comma] which an earlier generation of neoclassical theorists ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,2,14,,Orrell[comma]David;,A Quantum Theory of Money and Value[comma] Part 2: The Uncertainty Principle,,0,0,0,0,,Economic forecasting is famously unreliable. While this problem has traditionally been blamed on theories such as the efficient market hypothesis or even the butterfly effect[comma] an alternative explanation is the role of money – something which is typically downplayed or ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,2,27,,Cartelier[comma]Jean;,About Waged Labour: From Monetary Subordination to Exploitation,,0,0,0,0,,Wage-earners voluntarily accept to work under the control[comma] and for the account of[comma] firms run by entrepreneurs1; they do not decide what[comma] how and how much[comma] they must produce; wage-earners are not responsible for the consequences of their activities when ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,2,37,,Ellerman[comma]David;,Comment on 'About Waged Labour: From Monetary Subordination to Exploitation',,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,2,45,,Mavroudeas[comma]Stavros;,Is Cartelier's Monetary Approach a Convincing Alternative to the Labour Theory of Value? A Comment,,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,1,1,,Wallace[comma]Ron;,The Signature of Risk: Agent-based Models[comma] Boolean Networks and Economic Vulnerability,,0,0,0,0,,Neoclassical economic theory[comma] which still dominates the science[comma] has proven inadequate to predict financial crises. In an increasingly globalised world[comma] the consequences of that inadequacy are likely to become more severe. This article attributes much of the difficulty to an ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,1,16,,O’Boyle[comma]Brian;McDonough[comma]Terrence;,Bourgeois Ideology and Mathematical Economics – A Reply to Tony Lawson,,0,0,0,0,,This paper challenges Tony Lawson's account of the relationship between mainstream economics and ideology along two key axes. First off[comma] we argue that Newtonian physics has been the primary version of pro-science ideology within mainstream economics[comma] rather than mathematics per ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,1,35,,Morales Meoqui[comma]Jorge;,Ricardo's Numerical Example Versus Ricardian Trade Model: a Comparison of Two Distinct Notions of Comparative Advantage,,0,0,0,0,,The so-called Ricardian trade model of contemporary economic textbooks is not a rational reconstruction of Ricardo's famous numerical example in chapter seven of the Principles. It differs from the latter in terms of the definition of the four numbers[comma] relevant ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,1,56,,Margolis[comma]Michael;,Graphs as a Tool for the Close Reading of Econometrics (Settler Mortality is not a Valid Instrument for Institutions),,0,0,0,0,,Recently developed theory using directed graphs permits simple and precise statements about the validity of causal inferences in most cases. Applying this while reading econometric papers can make it easy to understand assumptions that are vague in prose[comma] and to ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2017,6,1,83,,Heise[comma]Arne;,Walras' Law in the Context of Pre-Analytic Visions,,0,0,0,0,,Walras' law is a central tenet of economic theory. For mainstream economics[comma] it is a 'plausibility check' for model-building; for heterodox economists[comma] the refutation of Walras' law is key to understanding Keynes' revolutionary contribution to a new economic paradigm. The ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,2,1,,Buzaglo[comma]Jorge;,Expanding Human Capabilities: Lange’s “Observations” Updated for the 21st Century,,0,0,0,0,,Poland has produced two of the greatest economists of the past century[comma] namely Michał Kalecki and Oskar Lange. Both worked with a wide and penetrating view of the economy and society[comma] more typical of the great classical economists than of ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,2,12,,Auerbach[comma]Paul;,Commentary on Jorge Buzaglo ‘Expanding Human Capabilities: Lange’s “Observations” Updated for the 21st Century’,,0,0,0,0,,Read Jorge Buzaglo’s paper ‘Expanding Human Capabilities: Lange’s “Observations” Updated for the 21st Century’ ›, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,2,19,,Orrell[comma]David;,A Quantum Theory of Money and Value,,0,0,0,0,,The answer to the question 'what is money?' has changed throughout history. During the Gold Standard era[comma] money was seen as gold or silver (the theory known as bullionism). In the early 20th century[comma] the alternative theory known as chartalism ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,2,29,,Bruno[comma]Bruna;Faggini[comma]Marisa;Parziale[comma]Anna;,Complexity Modelling in Economics: the State of the Art,,0,0,0,0,,The economic crisis happening across the world over the last few years describes a range of interdependencies and interactions[comma]and has highlighted the fundamentalf laws of neoclassical economic theory: its unedifying focus on prediction and[comma] above all[comma] its inability to explain ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,2,44,,Ellerman[comma]David;,Reply to Commentaries on ‘The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory’,,0,0,0,0,,Jamie Morgan's commentary (Morgan[comma] 2016) on my paper 'The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory' (Ellerman[comma] 2016) and Ted Burczak's later comments (Burczak[comma] 2016) raise a number of issues that surely will occur to other readers and that ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,1,1,,Alam[comma]M. Shahid;,Commodities in Economics: Loving or Hating Complexity,,0,0,0,0,,A review of economic thought since the sixteenth century reveals two streams of economic discourse[comma] dirigisme and laissez-faire. Starting with the mercantilists[comma] dirigiste approaches to economics embrace the real-world complexity of commodities that often differ greatly in attributes that are ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,1,19,,Ellerman[comma]David;,The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory,,0,0,0,0,,After Marx[comma] dissenting economics almost always used 'the labour theory' as a theory of value. This paper develops a modern treatment of the alternative labour theory of property that is essentially the property theoretic application of the juridical principle of ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,1,37,,Morgan[comma]Jamie;,Power[comma] Property[comma] the Law[comma] and the Corporation – a Commentary on David Ellerman's paper: 'The Labour Theory of Property and Marginal Productivity Theory',,0,0,0,0,,The point of departure of David Ellerman's paper is that the role of labour in economics can be looked at in a fundamentally different way than has typically been the case. The paper's purpose is[comma] therefore[comma] oppositional. However[comma] it cannot ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,1,44,,Zaman[comma]Asad;,The Methodology of Polanyi's Great Transformation,,0,0,0,0,,Polanyi's book[comma] The Great Transformation[comma] provides an analysis of the emergence and significance of capitalist economic structures which differs radically from those currently universally taught in economic textbooks. This analysis is based on a methodological approach which is also radically ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2016,5,1,64,,Mayhew[comma]Anne;,A Commentary on Asad Zaman's paper: 'The Methodology of Polanyi's Great Transformation',,0,0,0,0,,Read Asad Zaman’s paper “The Methodology of Polanyi's Great Transformation”, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,2,1,,Lainà[comma]Patrizio;,Proposals for Full-Reserve Banking: A Historical Survey from David Ricardo to Martin Wolf,,0,0,0,0,,Full-reserve banking[comma] which prohibits private money creation[comma] has not been implemented since the 19th century. Thereafter[comma] bank deposits became the dominant means of payment and have retained their position until today. The specific contribution of this paper is to provide ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,2,20,,Goodhart[comma]Charles A. E.;Jensen[comma]Meinhard A.;,A Commentary on Patrizio Lainà's 'Proposals for Full-Reserve Banking: A Historical Survey from David Ricardo to Martin Wolf',,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,2,32,,Scheall[comma]Scott;,A Hayekian Explanation of Hayek's 'Epistemic Turn',,0,0,0,0,,The present essay aims to account for F.A. Hayek's oft-noted 'turn' away from technical economics to concerns of a more philosophical nature. In particular[comma] the paper seeks an explanatory principle that reconciles various elements of both continuity and discontinuity in ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,2,48,,Sinha[comma]Ajit;,A Reflection on the Samuelson-Garegnani Debate,,0,0,0,0,,This paper argues that Samuelson's criticisms of Sraffa mainly concentrated on Sraffa's claim that the propositions of his book (Sraffa 1960) did not depend on the assumption of constant returns to scale. Garegnani's defence of Sraffa against Samuelson's criticisms remained ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,2,68,,Bent[comma]Peter H.;,The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Protectionism in Turn of the Century America,,0,0,0,0,,One of the main economic debates taking place in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century America was between supporters of protectionism and advocates of free-trade policies. Protectionists won this debate[comma] as the 1897 Dingley Tariff raised tariff rates to record highs. An analysis ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,2,80,,Murphy[comma]Eithne;,A Commentary on Peter Bent's ‘The Political Power of Economic Ideas: Protectionism in Turn of the Century America’,,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,1,1-20,,Ellerman[comma]David;,On the Renting of Persons: The Neo-Abolitionist Case Against Today's Peculiar Institution,,0,0,0,0,,Liberal thought (in the sense of classical liberalism) is based on the juxtaposition of consent to coercion. Autocracy and slavery were seen as based on coercion whereas today's political democracy and economic 'employment system' are based on consent to voluntary ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,1,21-46,,Tobon[comma]Alexander;Barbaroux[comma]Nicolas;,Credit and Prices in Woodford's New Neoclassical Synthesis,,0,0,0,0,,Following recent debates on the New Neoclassical Synthesis[comma] the theory of monetary policy has been renewed. The prevailing method[comma] illustrated by Woodford's version of Interest and Prices[comma] is a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model in which the old LM curve ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,1,47-66,,Gauthier[comma]Florence;,Political Economy in the Eighteenth Century: Popular or Despotic? The Physiocrats Against the Right to Existence,,0,0,0,0,,Control over food supply was advanced in the kingdom of France in the Eighteenth century by Physiocrat economists under the seemingly advantageous label of 'freedom of grain trade'. In 1764 these reforms brought about a rise in grain prices and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,1,67-79,,Kennedy[comma]Gavin;,Adam Smith's Use of the 'Gravitation' Metaphor,,0,0,0,0,,Adam Smith[comma] in Wealth of Nations[comma] used gravitation as a rhetorical metaphor and not in a formal philosophical sense[comma] as used by Newton[comma] Aristotle or Empedocles. Physical gravitational attraction is predictable[comma] accurate and rule-bound; metaphoric gravity[comma] as in relationships between ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2015,4,1,80-106,,Wörsdörfer[comma]Manuel;,'Animal Behavioural Economics': Lessons Learnt From Primate Research,,0,0,0,0,,The paper gives an overview of primate research and the economic-ethical 'lessons' we can derive from it. In particular[comma] it examines the complex[comma] multi-faceted and partially conflicting nature of (non-) human primates. Our closest living relatives[comma] the chimpanzees and bonobos[comma] ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,2,1,,Repapis[comma]Constantinos;,J.M. Keynes[comma] F.A. Hayek and the Common Reader,,0,0,0,0,,This paper gives an account of the debate between F.A. Hayek and J.M. Keynes in the 1930s written for the general public. The purpose of this is twofold. First[comma] to provide the general reader with a narrative of what happened[comma] ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,2,21,,Morales Meoqui[comma]Jorge;,Reconciling Ricardo's Comparative Advantage with Smith's Productivity Theory,,0,0,0,0,,There are three main claims in the paper: first[comma] there is sufficient evidence for affirming that Ricardo adhered to Smith's productivity theory; second[comma] Ricardo's original demonstration of the comparative- advantage proposition is indeed compatible and complementary with respect to the ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,2,38,,Ietto-Gillies[comma]Grazia;,The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+,,0,0,0,0,,The paper briefly summarises the historical evolution of transnational corporations (TNCs) and their activities. It then introduces the major theories developed to explain the TNC. There is an attempt to place the theories historically[comma] within the context of the socio-economic ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,2,58,,Cantwell[comma]John;,A commentary on Grazia Ietto-Gillies' paper: 'The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+',,0,0,0,0,,Go to Grazia Ietto-Gillies’ paper here ›, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,2,67,,Ietto-Gillies[comma]Grazia;,Reply to John Cantwell's Commentary on Grazia Ietto-Gillies' paper: 'The Theory of the Transnational Corporation at 50+',,0,0,0,0,,Go to John Cantwell’s response to the original paper from here › Go to Grazia Ietto-Gillies’ original paper from here ›, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,2,70,,Gnesutta[comma]Claudio;,If 'Well-Being' is the Key Concept in Political Economy…,,0,0,0,0,,If 'well-being' is to be the key concept in political economy[comma] then economists are placed[comma] from a methodological viewpoint[comma] in an uncomfortable position. A well-being approach requires consideration of several non-economic dimensions strongly interrelated with the economic process[comma] and failure ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,1,1,,Roncaglia[comma]Alessandro;,Should the History of Economic Thought be Included in Undergraduate Curricula?,,0,0,0,0,,Mainstream views concerning the uselessness or usefulness of HET are illustrated. These rely on a hidden assumption: a 'cumulative view' according to which the provisional point of arrival of contemporary economics incorporates all previous contributions in an improved way. Critiques ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,1,10,,Theocarakis[comma]Nicholas J.;,A commentary on Alessandro Roncaglia's paper: 'Should the History of Economic Thought be Included in Undergraduate Curricula?',,0,0,0,0,,, Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,1,21,,Rosenberg[comma]Alex;,From Rational Choice to Reflexivity: Learning from Sen[comma] Keynes[comma] Hayek[comma] Soros[comma] and most of all[comma] from Darwin,,0,0,0,0,,This paper identifies the major failings of mainstream economics and the rational choice theory it relies upon. These failures were identified by the four figures mentioned in the title: economics treats agents as rational fools; by the time the long ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,1,42,,Andrews[comma]David;,Adam Smith's Natural Prices[comma] the Gravitation Metaphor[comma] and the Purposes of Nature,,0,0,0,0,,Adam Smith's 'natural price' has long been interpreted as a 'normal price' or 'centre of gravitation price' based on the famous gravitation metaphor of the Wealth of Nations I.vii[comma] natural in the sense that it is the price that would ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2014,3,1,56,,Khan[comma]Daniyal;,Economics as a Science[comma] Economics as a Vocation: A Weberian Examination of Robert Heilbroner's Philosophy of Economics,,0,0,0,0,,In an attempt to re-envision economics[comma] the paper analyses Robert Heilbroner's philosophy of economics through the lens of Max Weber's philosophy of science. Specifically[comma] Heilbroner's position on vision[comma] ideology and value-freedom is examined by contextualising it within a framework of ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,2,1,,Cassass[comma]David;,Adam Smith's Republican Moment: Lessons for Today's Emancipatory Thought,,0,0,0,0,,This paper places Adam Smith within the long republican tradition[comma] and offers an emancipatory reflection on the possible space of republican freedom within societies that harbour certain degrees of market activity. In doing so[comma] it seeks to offer some criteria ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,2,20,,Ivarola[comma]Leonardo;Marqués[comma]Gustavo;Weisman[comma]Diego;,Expectations-based Processes – An Interventionist Account of Economic Practice: Putting the Direct Practice of Economics on the Agenda of Philosophy of Economics,,0,0,0,0,,The paper starts by distinguishing between two kinds of economic practice: theoretical economic practice (TEP) (model and theory building) and direct economic practice (DEP) (the practical operation upon real economies). Most of the epistemological and philosophical considerations have been directed ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,2,33,,Chick[comma]Victoria;,Economics and the Good Life: Keynes and Schumacher,,0,0,0,0,,It is[comma] I think[comma] interesting to compare the views of E. F. Schumacher and J. M. Keynes on the ethical aspects of economics – both the economic systems of which they were a part and economics as a subject. Both ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,2,46,,Holland[comma]Stuart;Oliveira[comma]Teresa Carla;,Missing Links: Hume[comma] Smith[comma] Kant and Economic Methodology,,0,0,0,0,,This paper traces missing links in the history of economic thought. In outlining Hume's concept of 'the reflexive mind' it shows that this opened frontiers between philosophy and psychology which Bertrand Russell denied and which logical positivism in philosophy and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,1,,,Harrison[comma]Karey;,Ontological Commitments of Ethics and Economics,,0,0,0,0,,This paper analyses the cognitive image schemas structuring the ontological commitments of dominant conceptions of ethics and economics to show that the content of economics is implicated in conceptions of ethics[comma] and that these conceptions cannot be separated from questions ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,1,,,Dow[comma]Sheila C;,Codes of Ethics for Economists: A Pluralist View,,0,0,0,0,,Within the discussion of ethics and economics some have considered designing a code of ethics for economists. But the idea of such a code is potentially problematic from a pluralist standpoint. Some possibilities are discussed here to show that any ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,1,,,Birks[comma]Stuart;,No Ethical Issues in Economics?,,0,0,0,0,,For much economics research[comma] ethics committee approval is not required. This is seen by some as indicating that there are no ethical issues in economics research. However[comma] ethical research requires more than simply meeting regulatory requirements. If economics research has ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,1,,,DeMartino[comma]George;,Professional Economic Ethics: Why Heterodox Economists Should Care,,0,0,0,0,,In presenting the case for professional economic ethics over the past two years[comma] since the publication of The Economist's Oath[comma] I've encountered more scepticism among heterodox economists on the left than from those on the right. Left-leaning economists argue inter aliathat the ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2013,2,1,,,Baldissone[comma]Riccardo;,And the Real Butchers[comma] Brewers and Bakers? Towards the Integration of Ethics and Economics,,0,0,0,0,,The difficult dialogue between human rights and business shows that neither the adoption of codes of conduct nor the enforcement of legal norms would overcome the supposed incompatibility of ethics and economics. Such a general supposition is the effect of ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,2,,,Offer[comma]Avner;,Self-interest[comma] Sympathy and the Invisible Hand: From Adam Smith to Market Liberalism,,0,0,0,0,,Adam Smith rejected Mandeville's invisible-hand doctrine of 'private vices[comma] publick benefits'. In The Theory of Moral Sentiments his model of the 'impartial spectator' is driven not by sympathy for other people[comma] but by their approbation. The innate capacity for sympathy ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,2,,,Martins[comma]Nuno Ornelas;,Mathematics[comma] Science and the Cambridge Tradition,,0,0,0,0,,In this paper the use of mathematics in economics will be discussed[comma] by comparing two approaches to mathematics[comma] a Cartesian approach[comma] and a Newtonian approach. I will argue that while mainstream economics is underpinned by a Cartesian approach which led ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,2,,,Wörsdörfer[comma]Manuel;,Walter Eucken on Patent Laws: Are Patents Just ‘Nonsense upon Stilts’?,,0,0,0,0,,As recent newspaper headlines show the topic of patents/patent laws is still heavily disputed. In this paper I will approach this topic from a theoretical-historical and history of economic thought-perspective. In this regard I will link the patent controversy of ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,2,,,Morgan[comma]Jamie;,Forecasting[comma] Prediction and Precision: A Commentary,,0,0,0,0,,Forecasting involves an underlying conceptualization of probability. It is this that gives sense to the notion of precision in number that makes us think of economic forecasting as more than simply complicated guesswork. We think of it as well-founded statement[comma] ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,Latsis[comma]John;Nadal[comma]Alejandro;Rosselli[comma]Annalisa;,Editorial Introduction to the First Issue of Economic Thought,,0,0,0,0,,In August 2011 Edward Fullbrook[comma] the editor of the Real World Economics Review and the driving force behind the World Economics Association (WEA)[comma] asked the three of us to take on editorial roles in the newly established philosophy[comma] methodology and ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,Lawson[comma]Tony;,Mathematical Modelling and Ideology in the Economics Academy: competing explanations of the failings of the modern discipline?,,0,0,0,0,,The widespread and long-lived failings of academic economics are due to an over-reliance on largely inappropriate mathematical methods of analysis. This is an assessment I have long maintained. Many heterodox economists[comma] however[comma] appear to hold instead that the central problem ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,Gillies[comma]Donald;,Economics and Research Assessment Systems,,0,0,0,0,,This paper seeks to analyse the effects on Economics of Research Assessment Systems[comma] such as the Research Assessment Exercise (or RAE) which was carried out in the UK between 1986 and 2008. The paper begins by pointing out that[comma] in ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,van den Berg[comma]Richard;,Richard Cantillon's Early Monetary Views?,,0,0,0,0,,The monetary theories in Philip Cantillon's The Analysis of Trade (1759) differ in important respects from those found in Richard Cantillon's much more famous Essai sur la nature de Commerce en général (1759). Contrary to the received opinion that the ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,Dow[comma]Sheila C;,Different Approaches to the Financial Crisis,,0,0,0,0,,The economic crisis has exposed shortcomings in standard economic theory and provided an impetus for new economic thinking. But the theoretical debate in the wake of the crisis has been unduly constrained by the terms of the mainstream approach to ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,Hodgson[comma]Geoffrey M;,On the Limits of Rational Choice Theory,,0,0,0,0,,The value of rational choice theory for the social sciences has long been contested. It is argued here that[comma] in the debate over its role[comma] it is necessary to distinguish between claims that people maximise manifest payoffs[comma] and claims that ..., Economic Thought,World Economics Association,2049-3509,2012,1,1,,,van Staveren[comma]Irene;,An Evolutionary Efficiency Alternative to the Notion of Pareto Efficiency,,0,0,0,0,,The paper argues that the notion of Pareto efficiency builds on two normative assumptions: the more general consequentialist norm of any efficiency criterion[comma] and the strong no-harm principle of the prohibition of any redistribution during the economic process that hurts ...,